A downloadable version can be found here - CHER 2023 Conference Program. Please check regularly, slight changes may occur until the conference starts.

Presentations in parallel tracks comprise paper presentations and panels. For papers, 30 min-slots are allocated, for panels – 60 minutes, including Q&A.

The conference envisages a novel format for poster presentations in the form of an organized poster thematic walk-through. Posters will be displayed thematically in separate rooms and an allocated time slot is provided for the poster walk-through.

Interactive formats to engage with the audience include a World Café, an Editorial Workshop, a Roundtable Discussion and an Interactive Panel.

The World Café session will host a group dialogue dealing with the topic of big data, data ownership and digitalization in the context of higher education. What data are collected, by whom, how are they being used for steering higher education institutions, how do they affect academic careers, and what are the commercial interests? Moderated and provided with initial input by an expert, participants will actively discuss these questions in small group rounds. The Café will conclude with key takeaways, “harvested” from the small group discussions. The format allows for a rich exchange of perspectives, fruitful and critical dialogue and networking among participants.

The purpose of the Editorial Workshop is to hear from editors of higher education journals about contemporary issues in research publishing, including a new initiative called Meta-Research Open Review and its transformational approach to peer review and publishing. Time will also be dedicated to a “Meet the Editors” session targeting young scholars.

The Roundable Discussion will present findings from a recent comparative study that maps out responses by higher education institutions around the globe to the challenges and strategic opportunities brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. The format comprises a facilitated roundtable discussion with input statements from the authors and discussion at tables with the audience.

The Interactive Panel addresses several blind spots in the current research on the societal impact of research. The panel will start with input from three panelists that will discuss several key topics, including strategies and pathways to impact, the extent to which the relation between researchers and their stakeholders influences the societal impact of research, and the challenges of demonstrating impact for evaluation purposes. This will be followed by an interactive parliamentary debate with the audience.